How will we live together? The Biennale of Venice in front of the Current Pandemic

The International Exhibition of Architecture Biennale Venezia 2021

The title of this edition of the International Architecture Exhibition, Biennale Architettura 2021, was intended for the edition to be held in 2020.

Despite this, the question – How will we live together? – seems to fit this particular historical moment in which no one has been able to live together for months, and in which we are asked to respect norms of social distance to allow a gradual return to normality.

Hashim Harkis, curator of the 17th Architecture Biennale, is also responsible for inaugurating the first international exhibition in presence after the pandemic, which will be held, of course, with strictly security rules.

With a privileged focus on the themes of globalization, the construction of barriers between states, refugees, land consumption, as well as the natural environment, which has been a common leitmotif of many Biennales, both architecture and art, this Biennale Architettura 2021 will see a partial rethinking by the invited studios and architects of their initial projects, linked to the theme of the pandemic. Some projects will therefore be adapted to this particular historical moment, while others will remain unchanged.

The Biennale of Architecture also wants to rethink the role of architecture in relation to politics, on the reorganization of spaces in our cities at the present time, and on the fact that this reorganization should see the participation of architects in political decisions – this is also the hope of the writer.

Biennale Architettura 2018
Biennale Venezia 2018

Some information about the Biennale

And now a few information about it; the Biennale will exhibit 112 works whose participants come from 46 countries, and there will be equal numbers of women and men. Many projects will come from Asia, Africa and Latin America.

The special Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement in memoriam has been awarded to the Italian-Brazilian architect Lina Bo Bardi, who died in 1992.

In addition to the exhibition venues in the Giardini and Corderie dell’Arsenale, there will be a section on the mainland at Forte Marghera.

If you will not be in Venice to visit it, follow me, because I will post here and, on my socials, (especially) photos, videos and updates on the Venice Biennale to allow you to be together in Venice at this time of distance.

If you desire to discover the Biennale of Venice with me, this is the link.

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