Guided tour to the Peggy Guggenheim collection in Venice

Galleria Guggenheim

This guided tour will take you to the renowned Peggy Guggenheim Collection housed in the charming Palazzo Venier dei Leoni—once the Venetian residence of the American collector, through the Dorsoduro district, exploring its art galleries and craft workshops.

Founded by Peggy Guggenheim in the 20th century, the collection boasts works from major European and American art movements, including Italian Futurism, Cubism, Surrealism, and Abstract Expressionism. On display are paintings, sculptures, and drawings by iconic artists such as Pablo Picasso, Alexander Calder, Alberto Giacometti, Jackson Pollock, and Joan Miró. Your visit will also include the Shulhof Collection featuring works by Cy Twombly and Donald Judd, the sculpture garden, and the terrace overlooking the Grand Canal.

Exploring the Peggy Guggenheim Collection offers not only insights into Peggy Guggenheim’s life but also a chance to admire pieces of her furniture and some personal photographs.

Temporary Exhibition: “Marina Apollonio, behind the circle” (October 2024-March 2025).

Duration: 2-3 hours. Additionally, a private art gallery can be included in your itinerary. Don’t miss the opportunity to experience the Peggy Guggenheim Collection and delve into the art of the 20th century.

Please note that the museum is closed on Tuesdays.

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