Guided tour of the most beautiful Venetian palaces

Visit to Cà Rezzonico

The visit to Ca’ Rezzonico, the sumptuous house-palace on the Grand Canal of the noble family of Lombard origin, is a journey through time that will allow you to get to know the life of the Venetian aristocracy in the 18th century. Inside the palace Cà Rezzonico you will admire furniture, porcelain, frescoes, tapestries, Murano chandeliers, an entire pharmacy, statues, stucco, but it will also be an immersion in the splendor of Venetian painting of the late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. You will admire the works of: Giambattista Piazzetta, Giambattista Tiepolo, Pietro Longhi, Canaletto. The visit can includes a walk in the small garden of this Venetian palace and in the Dorsoduro district. Duration: 2 hours.

Palazzo Mocenigo and the ancient Weaving Factory

The visit to the Palace Mocenigo and the Bevilacqua weaving mill is recommended for lovers of textiles, perfumes and costumes and lovers of the art of the 17th and 18th centuries. Palazzo Mocenigo, which still preserves many furnishings of the eighteenth century, was the noble residence of the family that gave seven Doges to the city and is now home to the Museum of Costume and Perfume. On display there are refined women’s and men’s clothes rich in embroidery, as well as paintings that recall the glories of the family, furnishings and Murano glass. There is also an itinerary dedicated to perfume that to learns the story of Venetian perfumers that allows visitors to smell the various essences. The tour continues with a visit to the Bevilacqua weaving mill which still produces velvet on ancient 18th century looms. Duration 3 hours. The Museum is open from Thrusday to Sunday.

Bevilacqua is closed on Sunday but it is possible to visit the Palace Cà Mocenigo and Casa Goldoni

Querini-Stampalia Palace

The Venetian palace Querini-Stampalia was the home of one branch of the noble Venetian Querini. The palace has a rich decoration with stucco, furnishings, frescoes, porcelain and one of the most interesting collections of Venetian paintings on Venetian life and festivities in the eighteenth century and some masterpieces of the sixteenth century Veneto. The visit also includes the ground floor and the garden masterfully organized by Carlo Scarpa, where contemporary architecture coexists with the ancient Venetian context. The third floor of the museum displays the collection of the Cassa di Risparmio di Venezia, which includes furniture from the 17th and 18th centuries, paintings from various periods and contemporary Italian sculptures, making the museum a unique itinerary in Venice. Duration 2 to 3 hours. It is possible to include a walk in or around San Marco.

Fortuny Palace

The Fortuny Museum was created thanks to the love of the Spanish painter Mariano Fortuny y Madrazo for the Venetian Palace Pesaro degli Orfei, one of the largest and most unique examples of Venetian Gothic style. The museum has a large collection of paintings, photographs, textiles, lamps and fine silk dresses created by hand by Mariano Fortuny. These dresses were loved and worn by the jet set and famous actresses, his studio as a painter, the library. The ground floor and the last floor generally host temporary exhibitions of contemporary art and the top floor offers a breathtaking view of the city. It is a museum of great interest for applied and decorative arts lover and for the contemporary art. Duration 2 hours.

Here the link for the visit to the Fortuny atelier on the Giudecca island.

Exclusive visits to private palaces and gardens       

 Entering private Venetian noble palaces open only for you will be a unique and exclusive experience, as well as walking in the secrets gardens of Venice. These visits are customized and depend on the availability of the owners. For further information contact me: